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Arlington, Va. 22 Oct 1950.
Dear Ma:
I wonder what kind of a day you are having this Sunday. It is only 3 weeks ago that we were travelling down from there, yet it seems a long while. Have the leaves fallen all over the yard and are the maple trees bare of them letting the sunshine into the house? Are you burning the wood that Sid cut up in your little stove? Have the Bruces paid anything either on the plumber's bill or the taxes? I wish you would let us know as soon as they do. I wonder how near done the boy's house up in Dry Pond is, and if he is building it all himself.

This has been a fairly nice day, overhead, tho' now it is beginning to rain. We drove up to Leesburg, near where the Meiszes have their summer place on the side of a small mountain (as high as Blue Hill) overlooking the green valley below and beyond the Blue Ridge mts, as blue as their name today. They have converted the little old farm house into a respectable place, with a big chimney fireplace, long low room, a little kitchen well fitted to cook, and 2 upstairs bedrooms & bath. and they are trying to keep the trees cut and the weeds down all about the place. We went on a tour to see the premises, tramped over the fields to the best view and then helped carry out the picnic lunch for she didn't have chairs enough for the whole company indoor. And then the rest begun to arrive,-her sister with her husband & 2 children, and a man who works in the agric. dept., secretary's office & his wife, and an economist from Israel. We all ate out there and talked and enjoyed the beautiful view across the valley over the golden topped tulip trees to the blue mountains, lovely place it is.