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Stoughton Oct 22nd 1950

Dear Doris

We are having very pleasant sunny days & not too cold. its going to be a mild winter so the weatherman predicts I hope it is mild for you for this is the day you are going on a visit I believe you said in one of your letters. 

Mrs. Barry has just gone off to church. her minister Mr Longmire called on us, he seems a very likeable man. Kate Lancing Bobbie Swans housekeeper, is talking of leaving, he has done everything to get her to stay but she doesn't have to work I guess she is tired enough to retire but she would never have a nicer place to live. he all but gives her his shirt to live in. & yet she is going away, is too tired of being a housekeeper. he ought to have married & had a family even if you lose them you have them some time. this life is not the only life to look forward to. 

Mr Benoie is having his back steps made over. that man their nephew, works all his spare time on their house very handy in making over the inside, I wish you could see the place inside, it doesn't look like the same place. they are haveing something done all the live long time. he put in a light so that dark evenings, they turn it on, so it lights our yard, isn't it nice? Lots of times its on so my room when I go to bed at night I don't need any other light, for that is turned on so it is light enough. 

I am glad that Doris is satisfied with her stay & her teaching work is satisfactorily progressing & you can all live along there together. I hope Sidney has got the up stairs straightened out to his liking, its sometimes hard