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to make both ways meet. I felt there was lots of extra space left in my house then you left. I was awful glad when you found those glasses & your fountain pen. 

I was wondering if any of our folks would come to see us the day is so mild. haven't seen them for quite a while. The ladies gave a shower party to Norma Rubel Friday & made her lots of nice presents. Laura & Bill live there since they sold their house she expects a baby very soon. her husband is in the war. Chicataubut meeting was last Thursday afternoon. 

Myrtle Gilcher called on us a week ago her husband is out of a job & she is very blue. I always pitied her. she has a hard lot living with him. he is lazy she says he has good faculty but wont work & she will be darned if she will support him. she was brought up to be a nurse. Over across the way there is a cat and dog that are very playfull they are now in front of the house. he takes the cat & lugs her around in his mouth & the cat stays just where he drops her, dont seem to mind it at all. She has always been used to being with a dog. they owned a white dog & he died they were always togather now she is just as fond of this little black one they are always tagging each outher around their yard. it is now begining to cloud up after a very sunny day. just a sudden change.    I guess Alice gets lonesome since she was there alone. that Mrs Churchill who lived with her they sent away to Foxborough. as she grew worse & wasn't safe to leave there all alone, she had funny ideas once in awhile so guess Alice gets lonesome she calls us up more I cant make it seem that  Mystic has passed on. she seemed to go very sudden, that is the way to go I think well hope this finds you all well. Ma.