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London England
31 aug 1950

Dear Ma:

This is the last letter that I shall write to you from Europe as we are packing up to leave early tomorrow morning. I hope that by now Sid has reached you and given you news of us and of our return. He left here at about 10 the night before last. Today is his birthday also Dolores', and maybe Mrs Barry is making a birthday cake for them. It will be about their only celebration, I fear.

We hope to get home the night of Sept 8th but all depends on when the boat gets in and how we can collect our baggage. Doris picked up a 2nd hand English bike which she is brining home with her. We shall have to see to getting that off the boat and onto the train with us, which I anticipate may be something of a chore, but I can't do anything about it at this end.

Today I am leaving the museum. They have been very kind to me there, and all the men have taken and interest in what I was working on, and I have become well acquainted with them. I feel very glad I had this change of working there. They are letting me have material which I have picked out on loan to study this winter.

Yesterday one of the men there packed up for me 2 boxes of books that we have collected and I mailed it home. There is another package that I mailed earlier of 2nd hand books that I picked up cheap that should arrive soon. Open it and read them. They are readable little books that might interest you.

Now it is time for me to say good bye and hope you will not miss my letters too much while I am on passage home. Will be seeing you soon now. Doris.