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Bath, England. 23 Aug 1950

Dear Ma:

I am sneaking a moment while Sid is shaving in this tiny hotel room in Bath. We are directly opposite the station and the noise of trucking woke us pretty early. Up over the station rise the hills, still misty in early morning. Bath lies in a circle of green rounded hills. We arrived after a day of travel at 4.30, and got located in a cheap hotel 12 shillings for bed & breakfast, – and then walked out to view the land. The famous baths which gave the place the name are about 1/4 a mile away near the Abbey, – a huge old limestone cathedral, and you go down some stairs inside a building and find yourself in Roman ruins, – with a big swimming pool of tepid water in the middle. The Romans built this bath in 54 A.D. and used it till 400 AD. and built a city about it. You can see the lead pipes they used, and pieces of lead that they lined the pool with, and remnants of furnace they had for heating the place in cold weather. The Saxons covered it all up, and it wasn't till about 75 years ago that they unearthed the ruins. But the hot springs have been in use for years and still are, for medicinal purposes, 2 great establishments. We had a drink of the water in the Pump Room, – warm rather minerally Tasting. [[If?]] The day before yesterday we met Sid at Salisbury in the S.W. of England, a little old town, with a famous cathedral having the highest steeple  of all England, nearby is Stonehenge where we had a brief visit, – a beautiful rolling plain with great uneven boulders arrayed in a circle by some prehistoric people. That night we went onto Exeter which is the center of Devon, also a very old town of Roman origin. We walked all over it before dark. Yesterday morning we took an early train to Torquay down on the coast, – all red cliffs, beautiful summer estates on the hills about, and at noon took the train up to Bristol & Bath thru flat country. These cities have names of our N. E. towns many of our fore fathers having come from this section. Today we are making a little trip to Wells, a cathedral town, to Glastonbury, full of legends of the Holy Grail, and Cheddar, noted for its scenery, all nearby, and go on to London afterwards by Reading and a more northerly route. Sid hopes to learn his airplane trip back will be changed either to Sept 1 or 5 as it will land them in Boston instead  of N.Y. as his present booking is the 29th [[strikethru]]at[[/strikethru]] landing in N.Y. in Boston instead of N.Y. Hope Delores will arrive to see you soon. 
we get back the 8th Sept (NY.)

We get back  the 8th Sent (N.Y.)