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Stoughtenburg 23rd 1950

Dear Doris Its pleasant & cool. my time will be quiet for I am to be alone today, she will go down to play cards again this afternoon. With Mrs. Standish they will have a fine time. Blanche Hammond called on us yesterday. She don't get invited around much & she feels it, but Mrs Barry tells her its because she doesn't entertain. She is talking of going to Novoscotia, on a vacation but Mrs. Barry says she doubts if she goes (that's where she was born) we both pity her as people in general don't take to her. I treated her as well as I could yesterday because I pitied her although one feels she is dangerous. We don't see much of the Renoies but hear they are anxious to sell their place they have had such bad luck with there roomers they are discouraged I guess & they are asking too much for the house. no one these times, cannot afford it. I think we will have Dolores here soon now, she is very anxious to come around the 29th she expects to see you home before she leaves. we pity her & will make her stay as pleasant as possible. what little time She is with us. my lawn the grass is growing again since the rain it may soon need to be mowed, I guess the (older boy is away his other brother has gone before him to spend the summer working. ,I must leave now to eat my dinner
