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Stoughton Aug 14th 1950

Dear Doris

We are having quite cool days since the wind got into the NW but sunny. every thing seems to be coming ahead all right. I had a very nice ride Mrs Burk enjoyed my company as I rode along and saw old places I talked all the way about them and told about what they ment to me. The ride she gave to me, seemed long enough and being such a nice & easy car it wasn't too tiring. She is going to give me another ride so she said soon. I went over to see George McGarney about some kindlings since William Calder died I was afraid no one would deliver them & do you know before 10 Oclock George had them send up a load of nice dry wood from Belchers factory. & before night he came over with a nice lot of his roses he gave to me. I wish you could see his flower garden he also gave us some of his snip beans a good while ago. I don't like them so we gave most of them away. I am glad you are haveing such a nice vacation hope you are not getting too tired out tramping around. When do you leave to come home will be soon I hope. Mr. Tildin came over last night to visit us & it seemed good to see him. I asked him if the little cottage where Miss Sesiack had lived was sold & he said the Congregational minister lived there. I think they sold it to them. Gertrude Ballantine is just alive we hear. I guess Dorisid must be having a good vacation. Dolores will be coming here before long I guess she will have a good time I hope. she is in need of one a very nice little girl we think. hope to see you all soon

love Ma