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Stoughton Aug 11th 1960

Dear Doris. I got your last letter yesterday after I got home from a ride around town with Mrs. Rusk. She came after us around 1/2 past 1'Oclock. She gave me just long enough ride but not too long to tire one out. I had a beautiful time. She told Mrs Barry she enjoyed my company talking about the old places so I came along to see them. there's no put on to her & she is always looking out for your comfort. she likes to do for others. she left a jar of hard candy for us to give to Mr Williams Caretas father-in-law he had to go to the hospital he is blind and tumbled down stairs, they live up four flights of stairs down town, in Bertha Tompsons tenement - his mind isn't just right since the accident, it's a pity it hadn't finished him. The Brides sisters seem happy since they sold out their business and bought the little house on the corner. Maude seems to live on but guess she is failing. Charly Upham I see by the Enterprise news is visiting his sister Bertha Upham on Washington Street. She is very good for Maude to be looked out by. seems to stick to her through everything clear to the last. We have been having hot days but the wind got into the North West which made it cooler. the sun warmed enough, so now it's more comfortable. I am meeting a man over from Brockton tomorrow, to clean out our oil meter for the season, so we shall be all right this winter. I dread the winter. I take great comfort sitting out on the little porch when the weather permits, it's all the change I get. Glad you are enjoying your trip. love Ma.