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Dear Ma: 

We have been so busy ever since we came. Sid has been showing us the sights all his spare time,- Sat pm. Sunday & Monday were holidays. But we got into the museum Monday & worked all the forenoon and in the afternoon took the subway out to Kew Gardens where we spent the afternoon with many other holiday makers,- beautiful grounds, trees from everywhere, great chestnuts, cedars of Lebanon, evergreens -- and then the rose gardens and rockeries - it is a most wonderful place. Yesterday we both spent all day at the museum. I have been given a good desk and permission to come in as early as I like - 10 o'clock the usual time for visitors - and have met many of the men whom I have corresponded in the past. It seems like being at home. They know the American entomologists I do and ask of them.

Doris has been running about on her own, seeing places and meeting folks. She brought home another letter from you yesterday & 2 from Dolores who spoke of coming up to Stoughton the 25th. I hope all goes according to her plans. It will be a little diversion for you too, to have her about. She would be one not to make much trouble. I hope that she has as good a time as she anticipates.

Last night after an early supper, we went down by subway to the Tower of London (closed then) and walked up thru Billingsgate Fish market, to the monument erected after the Great Fire in 1600 & then up to St. Paul's, all about is desolation and ruins, but the great old church miraculously still stands. It was pealing forth at that horn and the jangle of its bells filled the air. We tramped on down Ludgate Hill to Fleet St. then to the Law Courts and Temple, and on to the old Curiosity Shop. We were tramping over 2 hours before it grew dark & we took the subway home again. 

We had dreaded food conditions here -- but are agreeably surprised. We have plenty to eat. We breakfast at the Hotel, cereal (porridge) ether fish, bacon or even an egg, and toast & good enough coffee (or tea). At noon we pick up a salad and bun and ice cream (made out of seaweed, no milk or cream but you wouldn't know it) and at supper we get something wherever we are, substantial, usual for less than 3 shillings (less than 50ยข).

This morning it is damp & misting out, and rather chilly. Sid says he thinks it is going to clear up, tho. Hope all is well with you & you have some rain. 
