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Stoughton August 8th 1950

Dear Doris  We are having sunny weather though cool so a fire in the kitchen seems good to make us comfortable. Saturday Amos Holmeses widow Ella called up to see me she seemed pleased to see me & inquired how long Arthur had been dead she is all alone having had no children, only niece is left of her family she hires rooms of Mrs Legg. I think she has grown old looking 81 years old. She spoke of the good times we used to have at Onset. I told her to come up and see me when ever she felt lonesome, for I should be here to welcome her. I couldn't walk as she could. I am trying to get kindlings from the factory for since Barey died I am afraid there will no one I know deliver them so I spoke to Georg McGarvey yesterday if he would find out if there was only one left to take Bareys place who would deliver them to me who they would send me some when I got out for certainly I should miss them terribly he said he would see to it so I could get them if it were possible. George is always my refuge when I am in trouble, he never fails me & I pray that now he will find some way so they will let me have them I hope by this time my letters have reached you and all is well. Ma