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Stoughton Aug 3rd 1950
The day is pleasant I am glad to see the sun it is cool today 60ยบ early. since Monday the weather changed the wind got into the NWest and it rained we were glad to see the rain, everything was drying up lawns were growing brown & we had fires in the woods. birds were dieing from starvation & water was so scarce the couldnt get worms. Mrs Barry gave a party. they played out on the little porch,  but after they had been out there a while. the wind changed & it grew so cold they put on sweaters. I came into the house, it was much warmer in side, but they persisted they stayed out on the porch till their car came to take them home. Mrs Legg was one of them she had cramps in her legs & had to take off her leather covering on the leg, so to ease it up. she says Amos Holmes widow is hiring rooms of her and she is coming up to see me. she has the apartment that Lena had when she lived with her. She is 81 years old. you remember her, she used to come with us when we went to Onset, you were a little girl. Kate Irwin & Ned Standish wife were the other two women at her party. guess they enjoyed their visit they wouldnt come inside & I hope none of them got cold. she served cookies & ice cream for desert. they had a second helping of cream, even if it was a terrible cold day. I went up stairs & shut down the windows in the North chamber, where the rain was coming in in torrents & the curtains were blowing out straight. we had ice cream left but both of us eat it even if it was melted. I hope now this letter reaches you I don't see why you dont get the rest. hope to see you now before many weeks go by love Ma