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Yesterday I went to the museum as soon as breakfast was over and worked there until 6 at night, only stopping to lunch with Sid & Doris at noon. I shall have to do the same today & tomorrow to finish what I want to do, looking up old types. That will leave me only Sunday for a little sightseeing, as Sid wants us to push on Monday for Amsterdam. Miss Deichmann is working at the museum....this is her old home, you know. I was in the main university office there when she came in & helped me make them understand since noone spoke English. Afterwards, I was given a desk in the entomology room, and have been hard at it ever since. The Zoological Dept there is housed in an old building with curious old furnishings & rooms. The stairs are so worn...she said in her college days she had helped wear them down too.

Copenhagen is a lot like Stockholm in general architectural appearance, and in having beautiful little open places with big pots of flowers set all about. Its street cars are orange, too. There isn't quite so much water about, altho a canal goes about here and there. The streets too are narrower. But the same cleanliness and love for flowers is here. You see all the windows with growing plants in them.

Doris is busily sightseeing. She took street cars all around here yesterday. After supper we went to Tivoli,- an amusement park near here, where all sorts of things are, – ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, band concerts, little lakes with boats, an open air theater, dozens of small attractions, and a concert hall where they are going to give a regular symphony concert at 9 – Doris wanted to stay for that, so we left her & came home to go to bed.

Today we are moving to a pension a bit nearer Doris, and cheaper than this central hotel. D. can't stay at her place the last night – so we are still uncertain how