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Stoughton July 27th 1950

Dear Doris We are having nice sunny days but quite cool. rainy days are quite enough to keep things growing. I am fortunate to get my lawn mowed by boys across the way, but we need more rain to make my grass grow thrifty it needs some fertilizing.

My foscet at the sink needs Lindelophs help. I must get it fixed it leaks a pail full over night. I put the water on the apple tree in the backyard. Dolores sent a letter Saturday wanting to come here to stay nights. a young chaps coming to take her around Boston day times perhaps she gets a fellow at last. so we wrote her to come, she would be very welcomed. please keep this secret, dont tell her we told you. to day is Chicataubut day. Mrs. Barry will go I think. Laura Gebhartd has sold her place they are building a house on Street near Phoebie Hills Norma lives near us she expects a baby in August I think it is. The Colder boy mows my lawn. he was much pleased the day I gave him some stamps I took off my letters you sent on your letters. he collects them. he is a very inteligent young lad we like him very much. his mother is going to take Mrs Barry over to see Gertrude Ballantine soon hope you get my letter. love Ma.