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Stoughton July 21st 1950

Dear Doris Today is a sunny warm day below 60° early this morning & going into the eighties during the day. yesterday was cloudy all day and cold. the summer is going slowly away its been very changeable. we have had lots of rain a heavy down pour with thunder & lightning Tuesday. not very near. she got home from downtown just in the nick of time so I wasnt alone. I dont like them most of them go around they follow the water. I had my lawn mowed most a week ago by the little girl at the next house she is Mrs Benoies niece twelve years old & very active she likes to mow lawns and offered to do mine so I didnt have to ask her. Blanche Hammond was up here Tuesday night she said the Brides sisters had sold the Hospital it may not be so just a rumor. I guess they dont make it pay perhaps no body speaks well of them. guess not many patronize the place. I guess it wont make much difference to Maude in her condition, she lays there in a motionless condition, I wouldnt be surprised to hear she had passed on any time. Alice Woods called up yesterday to know how we were. Careta was here, her father in law fell down stairs. he is blind but they took him to the hospital and he still is living. pity he didn't pass on Mrs Barry is entertaining a table full of friends this afternoon, glad its warmer & pleasant. hope my letters are reaching you better
love Ma.