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Hotel Plaza
Biblioteksgatan 11, Stockholm
Telegram: Plaza Stockholm
Telefon: vaxel 22 08 80
Postgiro: 19 18 11

19 July 1950

Dear Ma: Doris came last night. She was due on the 1.05 but there was some failure in electricity - the wires broke and had to be repaired - the train didn't arrive till nearly 10. All trains here are electrified. She had been travelling since noon the previous day - 34 hours of it with only cat naps sitting up. These long trips are very hard in crowded compartments and I dread going back, but we shall first go to Copenhagen where we will stay a few days. Doris' friend who was at Radcliffe a year and a half, and then married a Dutchman, was giving birth to her 1st child while Doris was there, and she had to go about in Holland more or less by herself with them planning little trips, but she did have a very good time, I think. She will be ready to sleep most of today to rest herself. We got her a little room here and she promised to join us for the 8 o'clock breakfast here. We go to the breakfast room where one table is covered with cups & saucers & the coffee & tea pots are all on an electric stove, and help ourselves. We can order oatmeal, eggs and various kinds of bread for breakfast. There are several other Americans, 2 from Wash D.C., of the botanists staying here.

It is cool here and invigorating and we are feeling very well, altho we are both going hard. Sid has been attending meetings very steadily and I working at the Natural History Museum, a little way out of the city. There I have been given a desk and the collection opened up to me, just as if I were in Wash. DC, or Cambridge. And at noon I eat with the others at the desk of the head. He spreads a white oilcloth over his table, brews a big teapot of tea and we sit about eating bread & cheese and drinking tea and talking. We have very good talks, and I enjoy myself in their company.

Today if Doris is ready for it, I am going to take her on a sightseeing tour about Stockholm. I haven't been