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about much myself, only as I have had occasion going about. Stockholm is built on islands connected by bridges, so you see water all about you wherever you go. The houses are built with many ornamentations, quite unlike the French over-ornamentation - and distinctly Scandinavian. Everywhere it is so clean, - the streets, the buildings, public conveyances. Our hotel. If Sid leaves his usual disorder of papers, etc. about, he finds all in place if he but leaves the room. They tidy up things and wash things continually.

Sid is picking up some Swedish, enough to ask for thins. I am learning enough to read directions about somewhat. If we were to [[strikethrough]] leave [[/strikethrough]] live here 6 months, we should both get so we could talk a bit. But almost everywhere you find someone who can talk English, so we are not very badly off. In Copenhagen even more people seemed able to talk English. I like both Copenhagen & Stockholm very much. They are of course smaller than Paris and do not swarm with people so, and there is more comfort here and less mad excited rush all the time. It is a far more restful atmosphere.

One evening after supper we went down to a park-like place where you pay to go in and view all sorts of things. It is situated on a great rocky hill above the harbor, and you can look for miles all about and see the city with its spires and homes spread out. There are some cages of wild animals, such as reindeer and goats there. At another place a shell with a band concert going on, at another a big outdoor restaurant, at another a platform with Swedish dancers all in Swedish costumes, giving folk dances, and so on, - a regular outdoor amusement place for ordinary folks. The evenings are so lon it is light till 9.30 - and light again before 4 AM. that no one goes to bed very early.

It is 5 o'clock and we must go to breakfast now-

[[left margin]] Doris & I went by an outdoor farmers market and bought a qt box of strawberries for a krone (20c). There were raspberries & blueberries on sale too. and quantities of the most beautiful flowers, - pinks, delphiniums, marigolds, snapdragons, huge buckets of sweetpeas - so beautiful. Everything smells of linden trees here too. They are blooming. Doris