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Stoughton July 17th 1950
Dear Doris: The temperature is cool this morning but radio says its going up into the 80 befer the day is out. we are having it quite cool all summer & considerable rain, so I had my lawn mowed yesterday by the big girl Mrs. Benoits niece, she is very smart and very active. can't keep still a minute. I hope you are having a good time abroad and have got over your cold. do you feel any more rested on your vacation? I presume its a change, but not much rest. the things are so different out where you are & you are feeling that you should take in everything while there. food is so different and expensive and pretty hard to get. it may seem good to reach home and have what you have been used to. I dont see many folks these times and the chang I get is going from room to room & sitting out on the porch. yesterday it was too cold to sit out there & we had no sun seemed a long day finally I went over to the next yard where I find the girl who mowed the lawn. she was just putting up a swing, way over near the next lawn by throwing the rope over the limbs of the tree & the little girls and boys were watching her. she is very good natured treats the little children just like she does the larger ones hope you are getting my letters more now