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[[image]] Hotel KONG FREDERICK
København, d. 
v. Raadhuspladsen
Telegr-Adr.: Frederikhotel
Telefon 5902
Fri. 14 July 1950

Dear Ma: I am not certain what day it is & have no calendar at hand. But I left Paris at 5.20 Wed and reached here completely exhausted at 9 last night travelling on the train - "north express" for 28+ hours. We travelled 3rd class, sitting up all night. At 5 A.M. Doris got off in Germany at Münster to get some sort of accomodations to Holland, to visit a college mate on the border of Holland. This girl married a Dutchman & is now living there & expecting a baby the end of July, so D. changed her plans to visit her on our return & jumped off at Münster, a city bombed most thoroly with ruined buildings all about. The compartment in which I travelled was full of Danes, one of whom could speak English. I got on with the rest in German. They were an exceedingly friendly company and helped me in all cases when I needed it, clear to Copenhagen & got me a porter & taxi to an address sent me by Sid. This person secured me a room at a Hotel and I dropped into bed at 10 o'clock completely done up. I had eaten something at Paris that had brought me diarrhea and I was weak from that and not daring to eat much because of it. Thank the Lord I am out of France! Doris loved it, but it is a dirty place and the French are not particularly understandable. As soon as I got on the train with the Danes I felt at home. I had a refreshing night at a perfectly sumptuous hotel. I wish you could see the lofty room & fixings where I am sitting. I went out & dared get some breakfast at a clean fine corner restaurant where as in Paris we sit outside & eat at little tables. I had forgotten my coupon book (you have to have coupons to eat) but they kindly gave me breakfast just the same, a pot of good coffee without the chicory, and a salver with 5 different kinds of bread, and marmalade. I went easy on it & trust I shall feel better. So far I haven't had any cramps this morning & think I am well on the way to recovery. The air is good here, clear & crisp and cool like Maine. The ride was