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Rue Parrot, Paris
11 July 1950

Dear Ma:
This is the last letter I shall write you from Paris, for tomorrow we leave for Copenhagen at 5.20. we reach there Thurs at 8.+ pm and rest up the next day and start sat in Stockholm. I shall look for letter from you at the Am. Embassy in Copenhagen. So far I haven't received any letters at all from you & I wonder if you can be addressing them correctly, 
DH Blake                DH Blake            DH Blake
American Embassy        American Embassy    American Embassy
Copenhagen Denmark      Amsterdam Holland   London England
should reach us. If I don't get any by the time I reach London, I shall tell you to switch to the American Express, as last time our mail was at that address and we had no trouble at all. But I shall go to the embassy tomorrow & leave a forwarding address.
Last night Doris and I went to the Opera house to attend a ballet. It was more the thought of going to that historical old building then the thing itself. We had tickets for high up in the top balcony (or stall as they call it) And when we got there my seat was so I couldn't even see the stage. There are 4 seats to a stall & pretty soon 2 other Americans arrived & felt about as I did! We had a rather nice time with them. The man was born in Wash D.C., went to Eastern High School, and now works in Watertown, Mass. They came over at the same time as we & are returning Sept 1st too. Only they are going to Italy instead of north...not to Rome, though. We stood up part of the time and managed to see a little bit. And at 11.30 D & I came home on the Metro (subway). Of course I have waked promptly at 6. D left orders not to have the "little breakfast" sent up till 8. so I am getting in the lids letterwriting now. Today is our last full day and I am going on a little spree visiting the big city markets and the 2 dept. stores- Paris is made up of little stores,- has very few big stores. There isn't a great deal in the store compared with American ones, - the necessitates of life are back, but not so many other things & those very high priced. Food is ever higher than with us. Eggs at around 75C a dozen, butter at 90c. Tomatoes are the cheapest fruit.