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& vegetables. We get apricots at 20¢ a lb, our main fruit at present. 
    Yesterday we lunched at the Am. Embassy & got a good meal for 200 francs apiece, that is about 65¢, which is the best & cheapest we have had, -soup, a sort of swiss steak & potatoes, and ice cream. We have been eating around here at the little restaurant 1 meal a day at about 75¢ but it doesn't compare with Embassy food. The other we make up ourselves of hard bread, cheese, tomatoes & apricots. The Parisians wear dark dull colored clothing, no stockings and heavy solid shoes that go clattering along the streets. You see no high heels anywhere. They carry pouches of canvas etc. for marketing & everything else. So many of all ages ride bicycles fearlessly in the traffick. Life is not and has not for a long while been easy for its people here.
I bade the museum folks goodbye yesterday and we had quite a conflab, - they couldn't speak much [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough] Engl. nor I much French but we could get our meanings a cross very well in spite of it all, and we parted on most friendly terms. Then I went on to the Director's office a fat little old man whom at Harvard they predicted wouldn't ever see me. But he was quite polite, offered me a seat and in my best French I told him how I had enjoyed working there, etc. and was [[shown?]] out in Frenchy manner.
Sid has written 2 post cards & a letter. He seems to be pretty well satisfied with Stockholm. He wrote that E. Deichmann wouldn't reach Copenhagen till July 15 a bit after we do, but we shall see him on our way back from Stockholm, as we shall stop in Copenhagen for a few days time. That was her home & I shall enjoy seeing the place. We plan to get to London about the 1st of August. Doris may stop in Holland a bit longer to see her old college friend who married a Dutch man. She is expecting a baby about that time which will complicate matters a bit.
I hope all is well with you & that we shall hear from you pretty soon. Will write from Stockholm next probably - 