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8 Rue Parrot Paris
Sunday 9 July 50'

Dear Ma: We haven't yet a letter from you, but hope there will be one Mon. at the Embassy. You know Sid didn't get one from me for 10 days tho' I kept writing. We shall be here till Wed. night anyhow & I will leave a forwarding address. Sat- yesterday we had a busy day. I spent an hour at the museum finishing my work on the old Bose collection, then I hopped on a bus & met Doris down at the Museum of Modern Art, where we stayed viewing pictures till almost 12. We went to the Embassy where there is a regular Am. restaurant - and had a late lunch with ice-cream (a rare commodity in Paris). Then we took an electric train for Versailles, which is about 1/2 hour away from Paris. There is a huge old King's castle there, perched on a hill right outside town, and we tramped up the cobblestones to that and followed a gang of tourists let by a French guide who jabbered away quite ununderstandably to me - Doris got a little of it tho' - thru every huge hall. These huge rooms are with highly ornamented ceilings and walls, - all gold and ornaments of cherubs and angels and paintings of scenes in high colors on the ceilings, and old tapestries on the walls,- but one, - a great hall running the length of the building is with glass mirror walls on the inside and glass windows on the outside overlooking the gardens and terraces with beautiful fountains and line of trees stretching in regular trimmed rows for miles. The gardens are all precisely

of meeting the British botanist friend he used to know 30 years ago now head of the botany dept at the museum in London. He said food was less expensive there, not so much drinking (here everyone is a little off because of so much wine) and no dogs. Here the great dogs that are led about, defile the sidewalks and make walking unpleasant. There are also innumerable cats who squall all night here. But the French try to keep things clean, still it is an old city and you can't. It is the most picturesque city tho and I long to paint its narrow streets, irregular gray houses with the bright colored flowers that are on all the iron balconies, and are the only gardens the Parisians have. I could sit and paint all day, looking in any direction, only I haven't the time for it.

We start Wed at 5.20 P.M for Copenhagen, sit up all night & all the next day, riding thru Belgium along the Rhine (I hope it isn't too dark to see the great white cathedral at Cologne) pass thru Dusseldorf, Hugo's home, thru Bremen, Hamburg, and straight up the Denmark peninsula, arriving at 8.30 at Copenhagen. Sid says the nights are short so it will be light when we arrive and get light next morn at 3.30 AM. We shall rest a day, then push on to Stockholm, a 7 hour ride, the next day. I hadn't planned to go to Stockholm but can't resist it, and hope to spend 5 days there. Then back to Copenhagen for a few days before going South again to Amsterdam. Doris wants to visit her college friend in Holland and follow us to London later. Will write soon. Hope all is well. 