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laid out in bright beds of red, blue and yellow. (geraniums, ageratum, verbena, yellow marigolds, sulvius etc.) We went thru scores of huge rooms, - a certain sameness after a while. These were the rooms of Marie Antoinette & Henry IV. The mirror hall was where after the I World War the peace treaty was signed.

Afterwards D and I wandered down the hill in the gardens and got a seat under some trees where we made a little watercolor (I bought a little paint box & some paper here) of the scenery. Then we ate our bread & cheese & apricots for supper and climbed the hill to the palace again. There was a Bach concert in its Royal chapel at 5.30, - organ and voices of a choir. It was an hour and a half long, and very beautiful. The chapel isn't much like a church with its gold ornamentation of cherubs and female angels, and beautiful coloring - pink & white marble, both floors and walls, and pillars and the rose velvet benches (no backs) we pushed ours up against one of the pillars and had a more comfortable seat than most. The voices were beautiful, - the resonance in that long domed ceiling chapel. Floating out the song, - quite a heavenly concert. We rushed for the 7:15 train afterwards and reached home at 8 p.m.

It has turned clear again after a showery spell- when it was cooler, and now is beginning to warm up again. This morning we got up early and are planning to go see another great palace at Fontainebleau. It is 1 1/2 hrs ride on the train, out in the real country; and is even more sumptuous than Versailles. We have ordered our petit breakfast - 1 has arrived & Doris has gobbled it down as she will go to the station and get the tickets first. It consists of 2 croissants
[[image]] small doodle of a croissant [[/image]] shaped flakey bread, and a big cup of milk and "coffee", which doesn't taste any more like coffee than [[portum?]] -- I think it is all chicory. We have our lunch for the day, - a long hard roll of bread, cheese, 2 tomatoes, a dozen little apricots. When we get home tonight we will have a regular 200 franc dinner (about 70ยข) of soup, a meat & vegetable
plate, and a dessert, usually - a cream cheese with a spoonful of sugar. Food is high here.
We had a letter & post card from Sid who had arrived in Stockholm safely. He road on a plane with the 2nd son of the Crown Prince of Sweden and 2 other botanists whom he knew. He was in the midst of botanists there at the hotel in Stockholm & spoke