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Stoughton Saturday 10th

Dear Doris We are having warm sunny weather. I received your letter yesterday I was sorry I hadn't sent mine before I was waiting to get yours after you had landed. Amy came while I was reading it, so she was glad to hear from your journey there abroad. She visited me a good long time & is looking young and fresh. they are going down to Onset. Her family have a cottage there I believe she said. she talked of old times when she used to come over here early to go to school with you. her mother is going on the vacation with them. Rachie is 90 years old. Mrs Barry went to see the Ballantines yesterday. Addie came after her Gestrude is just alive, she looks dreadfully in a dieing condition. She wanted Mrs Barry to stay, so she didn't get home till 9 Oclock. I had just gone to bed, but Amy stayed 'till suppertime so I didn't feel lonesome. Mrs Benois came over one day the middle of the week she brought us an ice cream and a lovely cake & he came over to offer to take our rubbish and dump it with his. but we had put ours out early and it was already gone down to the dump. they are our best neighbors. the Clarks in the corner house have sold their house on the corner. now we shall have a new family moving in. hope they dont have any small children to run over the back yard & squack as those other ones do. we are too near our neighbors to feel comfortable. They say that Winnie is growing old, she takes an extra holiday from her firing feet Richard is improving he answers the telephone when Mrs. Borr calls up & is very polite to help her into their car when he takes her down to the movies. I am writing my letter early hope I get it sent today. never can tell Addie took my last letter down when she came after Mrs Barry. they said down at the office it would go out on a special air line route too bad it wasn't sent down sooner sorry you had to worry over it. Helen was so good to send me all those cards from you so I should not mis your going across I appreciated her kindness exceedingly now I can tell you and hope you will tell her so when you see her. she is a nice friend. I let Amy read her cards also. That man (Tilden) brought over his enlarged picture of the Capens ancesters. he was going on a vacation and told me to take a look at my leasure to keep it while he was gone. he seems an interesting old man he knows a lot about my old ansesters and friends. hope you and Doris are having a good vacation and shall be glad to welcome you home before long. I have written everything I can think of in fine print and hope its plain enough so you will be able to read it. too bad Sidney was obliged to leave so early hope your grub suites you better.