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Dear Doris your letter arrived the last of the week & I was very glad you had so pleasant a trip on the boat, also that the weather was both so warm and nice. too bad Doris wasn't a little nearer. I hope the return trip will also be pleasant Laura took us for a nice auto ride Friday she brought me a very handsome boquet of dark red roses she is very generous a big basket full she must have robbed her bush. the way home we bought her some sandwitches, and an icecream. she is going to take me again for a nice trip. We are having very pleasant weather. I water the apple tree every day. the leaves are coming out on it also some little green apples. I guess the squirrels nibble the fruit. The Benoies were over last night they put the screen door on but wouldnt take any pay. they said it was the least they could do after using our driveway. the Clarks on the corner are going to sell their house and move they want another upstairs tenement. will be glad to be rid of those squacking young ones. Bill Sckillings mother died and Mrs Barry went to her funeral Bill came over after her & brought her home he is feeble cant work much. he can drive his auto, so we expect him to come over often. I am wearing my new dress you gave me for the first time to day. the sleeves are short so will have to put on my sweater towards night. we both like it very much. Mrs Barrys knee is very bad. It pains her to be on it much. my slips out in the garden are rooting fine. I try to keep them watered, some are so far now in bloom. my needle and thread plant is in bloom all ready. That Mr Tilden came over and brought his enlarged Capen picture as he said he would & left it for me to examine at my leasure while he goes away on his vacation will be gone several days. Gertrude Ballantine is very low not to live long we hear now Addie will be their main support too bad I always liked her. Tom married that nurse in the hospital where he worked. It rained the night before the 4th we also had a teriffic thunder shower and I slept all through it and never heard it. snored she said loud as the thunder to day is cloudy looks like clearing. Ma


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