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S.S. Washington. Friday - June 50

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Dear Ma:

Here we are in the middle of the great blue ocean on a great ship crowded to the gills with people. There were so many that deck chairs didn't go around and we were among the many unfortunate not to get any. But it doesn't prevent us from enjoying the sunshine on the decks. I have found this morning a most delightful spot, - It is on the 2nd deck almost at the very end of the boat, behind a life boat where I am sheltered from the wind, but have sunshine and enough breeze to be comfortable. I have my blanket folded up into a little seat and am sitting up against a wall on which hang great picture that form a most admirable safe resilient back for me to lean against. And I have a wonderful view, - to look out and down on the warm with the great foaming white wake stretching to the horizon. Doris is out in the open and 2 youths have stretched out on their blanket facing her. I think she is doing too strong a business of ignoring them.

We embarked at 10.30 med. - so hot and close it was, and such crowds with their baggage squeezing by in the narrow passages all was confusion and noise and hot, stickiness. Hans at last found us. He bore a banquet

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are going to visit their folks in Ireland and afterwards "maybe go to Rome." They are 2 jolly old boys, very kindly too, and as we two are the only women about they talk to us, and joke with us. How they do enjoy their food! There was ham last night, and the elder of them kept saying "This ham is certainly delicious." They both drink tea at every meal, - we have little individual teapots of it and I give them my teapot to finish, as I take only 1 cup. The meals are very substantial. I think as I arise from one that I won't eat much the next, but I am as hungry as ever by the next and can't resist it! The salt air and sunshine do that to one. 
The ocean so far couldn't be smoother, and is so blue and lovely. I saw flying fishes yesterday, - we were going thru the Gulf stream then which is even deeper and more beautiful to look upon. I love it, and I think Doris is finding it to her satisfaction. She was a bit in awe of it the first day but is getting accustomed to it now. It is the nicest day today. I am very happy to be alive!

Hello! One of the passenger friends suggested we should bottle some of the sun here on the deck & send it home: it is beautiful & warm.
Love, Doris