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Stoughton May 21st 1950

Dear Doris

 A very pleasant sunny day 60[[degree sign]] early.
now I may be able to set out on the porch for
a change, its been far too cold and windy. There has been so many rainy days things have come forward very rapidly. the trees are full of leaves and blossoms, lilacs are all in bloom
every where. I guess its going to be a very good year for fruit. Three trees around our house are full of blossoms, those of Petes orchard and Silvers across the way are also blooming.

 That Fulsome woman woman who boarded with Benoites family, died with a shock very sudden she was intending to come over to see me for Pa got her an old womans pension & they liked
her over there, she was full of fun. The morning she passed away & went up to the bathroom, they heard a terrible noise and went up to see what it was and found she had fallen on the floor but was unconscious, she never came to. her second shock. Margaret 
Erving has gone she isnt contented any where long.