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Stoughton May 14th 1950
Dear Doris  A good sunshiney day and not cold 50° early. trees & all in bloom apple tree out by the woodpile all in leaf & budded ready to bloom pear trees all white around town the peach tree out front pink with blossoms. the tulips under it most all blossomed 17 I counted this morning and quite a number of buds. leaves on the trees are coming thick and fast to shade the house. It seems good to have it warmer so I can sit out on the porch for a change & walk out around the garden to see my flowers.
I suppose Doris will soon be over her worry and hard tests. you will soon hear how she succeeded in them from her hard work through the final year.  
Most of my neighbors are going to church the day is so pleasant.  hope you are having it sunny down there. &  can ride off some where to enjoy the day.
We are having only one mail a day, around 2 O'clock so I find it hard to wait for my letters.
I had my lawn mowed by the Colder Boy over a week ago, the lawn mower was so dull & he said his was also the same so he said he would do the best he could.  Mrs Barry asked Mr [[Bensie]] if he knew where we could get our mower