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Stoughton May 7th 1950

Dear Doris
The Sunday this week is very pleasant & warm 70° early about 9 O'clock. The leaves are out on all the trees, owing to so many rains. grass is in need of cutting. I hope the Sconard boy will come to cut it as he did last year. I heard a little song sparrow singing as I sifted my ashes out the back door this morning. robins are very plenty on the lawn, getting their feed of worms.
We were invited over to Benoies last evening to listen in to their new television set but I took a bath instead and went off to bed instead so she Mrs Barry went she stayed  half an hour. I probably will go over to see it daytimes. there is a widow lady a Mrs Fallsom thats boarding there she wants to see me. Pa was very good to her & got her a pension when her husband died. she is around 70 years old & a very nice woman. I saw her mother walking out around the yard yesterday, very tall & slim she looked just the reverse from Mrs Benoie, her daughter she is old looking & deaf as I am.
The Forsythias are right in their prime as you ride off, they must look lovely. I dont get rides these days but shall later on.