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It has been so warm that I can sit out on the porch. you dont know how I like the change. I have been caged in all through these cool days so now its nice to go out side the birds sing & they are building their nests. an old yellow cat I saw chasing them. she came up the steps there by the glass door & looked in saw me & started off.
I was laying out on the couch in the porch & heard Georges little dogs I knew some one was over disturbing them, so got up & found a big 8 years old girl. she had picked what was left of my jonquills and I said what business was it of yours to pick my flowers? where do you live? she pointed off down street. I grabbed the flowers away & told her to go home & not come there again.
A boy came the day before, he asked me if I would give him some & I said yes you may have all those under the forsythia bush, he picked them and then, went off on his bicicle contented. he asked & the other one took them without leave.
I love my yellow Tulips. those other ones were planted by Doris & later on they are coming all right & I am anxious to see what they look like. I had a pot of Easter lillies, from each of the churches, sent me, they are all through blossoming & I have put the invigero on each one of them, waiting to set them out when you get here.   love Ma