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Arlington. va.
30 April 1950.

Dear Ma:

It has been east-windy both Sat & Sunday, with a mistiness and today a positive raininess about noontime. But I managed to get a small wash dry yesterday and today we went on a picnic. We were all undecided about 11 o'clock, as the rain was just coming right down, Helen called up twice and Julia once. But Sophy didn't call, she wanted to go too badly, and Helen & Geoff were persuaded, and Julia said she didn't mind, so we set out in 2 cars about 12 and arrived 20 miles down the river at Paul Bartson's country place on the Potomac about a half hour later. It is a restored colonial brick mansion, built originally 1739, with square 2 story plain Georgian architecture, and set a quarter of a mile back from the river with pine woods leading down to the river, and approached from the land side by a long cedar lined lane thru the fields. There is an orchard on one side, woods on 2 sides, and fields with a [[strikethrough]] vineya [[/strikethrough]] vineyard on a hill slope, - a beautiful situation. The apple trees were blooming and woods full of white dogwood. Thru the trees you can look down on the river. It is a little bit below Mt. Vernon. We went into the house, into the big new addition at one side, of one big room, his laboratory - study with a huge window overlooking the view is the river and in the foreground the rose garden and right near by under a locust tree a pile of stumps most picturesquely made into a bird feeding station, - and it was swarming with birds all the time. He & his wife were just eating lunch, and told us to eat ours in the study, - we had brought sandwiches. I made a big cake, and some sandwiches, Sophy had made cookies & sandwiches & Julia had brought nuts, oranges & apples. Paul brought in a big pot of hot coffee and cups. So we sat about the big window watching birds and eating informally. I think everyone enjoyed