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      Stoughton March 26th 1960
Dear Doris,
           The day is very sunny & not cold 40 degrees this morning. No snow on the ground. It was so pleasant thought I would wash out a few clothes they would dry so nicely in the sun outside. I hope we have seen the last of winter & snow.
           She has just gone off to church. Their minister is down with (unknown) so somebody will have to take his place.
           We had a letter from Addie Ballantine yesterday, they are having lots of trouble with Lestrude, she went to the hospital & had an operation. She had a bowel trouble it did no good & she is still very bad and has got to go again to the hospital to be operated on again her side is left open so they can clear it out again she suffers terribly. The (unknown) is terrible, suffering is also more than one can stand. They are up against it as she was their main stay. Addie said that their brother was married. It seems he married a nurse in the same hospital he worked in & I guess it's  where Lestrude is operated on. They are very much pleased with the one Tom married, so that's a good thing. He has never been much help to