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his family. Miss Seriac the aunt died & left all the property to him. I guess the house stands empty. She turned against the Ballantines never had anything to do with them died hating them. They are coming over here to get Mrs Barry to see Gertrude when they say she is home after her second operation and is able to see company.
         I havent seen Doris for an age guess she is too busy with her studies & her boy friends. She has no time for coming out to see old people. She will soon be there & then will probably visit her old aunts. 
         We have just had our dinner of smoked shoulder, carrots & potatoes, and baked bread pudding. I dont have much liking for meat & vegetables but manage to get it down. I guess as one grows along in years they sure lose their appetite. my breakfast of oatmeal meal & tea tastes the best to me. I eat cottage cheese on my bread & peanut butter and a little jelly for supper that also tastes good but on the whole I am not very hungry.
         I guess my clothes are all dry so well go out & get them in they have had good sunshine & plenty of air, they dried even if it is Sunday & see they had a few clothes on their line over to Benoics. We still like them but dont see much of them they are busy with boarders. I hope you are both all right so I will draw this letter to a close Love Ma.