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Arlington, Va
19 March 1950.

Dear Ma:
I am sitting at the sunny window trying to warm up. We are having cold weather, and the house unit isn't on heated such days. It was 20° this morning. The wind isn't blowing very much and I hope before night we warm up a bit. The snow disappeared in a day.

Yesterday afternoon Sid came home early and took me for an hours painting down by the canal. I made a rather nice little warm color. We were sitting in the car just behind that long shed that you see in the picture on the sitting room mantel piece, looking up towards that sycamore tree. The tree has been trimmed now so that only suckers grow from the main trunk about 10 ft up.

Today Sid is writing 2 short articles that he wants to get off, with out interruption. He is muttering away to himself as he works away. The clock is just striking 11, and I must think of getting dinner started. I made a sea mous farina pudding yesterday which we will have. 

Last night I called up Dolores to find how she is liking her new job. She still works in the Pentagon but in a different office and has gone up a grade. The boss is head of American & Canadian defense projects and goes off constantly on trips to Canada and else where, frequently taking his secretary, so Dolores thinks sometime she may be asked. She is scared to death of travelling by airplane tho.

I met one of the children that Doris grew up with the morning of our snowstorm. She didn't drive as it was very slippery, so I went by bus, and at the bus stop got into conversation with Mrs Peggy. She told me that Joan Douglas, next door, is engaged to a young