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252 The Crisis Advertiser
   Professor Raymond Weeks, Department of Romance Languages, Columbia University:"Since about the time I received your catalog (the most fascinating American catalog I have seen) I have intended writing to express my appreciation of what you have accomplished for letters in this country."

This "fascinating" catalog is yours for the asking.

The Facts of Reconstruction 
By John R. Lynch

Major Lynch, colored, now an officer of the United States Army, lived through Reconstruction, and took a lively part therein. He served as a Member of Congress, later became Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, and by far the greater part of his adult life has passed in public service. The late Sen. Hoar in his "Autobiography" referred to Major Lynch in high terms. Illustrated. Fourth thousand. $1.65 by mail.

The Negro Races By Jerome Dowd

Prof. Dowd, white, who holds the Chair of Sociology and Economics in the University of Oklahoma, has in preparation a series of volumes that relate to the Negro races, of which this is the second. The first volume, "West Africans," was published several years ago. The title of this volume, the second, is "East and South Africans, With a Full Account of the Slave Trade." The title of the third volume, now in preparation, is "The Negroes of America." $2.65 a volume by mail. 

Haiti: Her History and Her Detractors By J. N. Leger 

M. Leger, colored, formerly represented Haiti as Minister to the United States, and later represented Haiti as a member of the Peace Conference, as The Hauge. In Europe as well as in America he is regarded as one of the ablest men of his race. Two editions: one in English and one in French. Illustrated. Each edition $3.20 by mail.  

The Political History of Slavery in the United States 

By James Z. George

Gen. George, white, served in the Confederate Army, became Chief Justice of Mississippi, and later represented his state in the United States Senate. This large octavo volume is the capstone of his long and illustrious life. He passed many years in its preparation. Edited by William Hayne Leavell, United States Minister to Guatemala. Introductions by John Bassett Moore, Professor of International Law and Diplomacy, Columbia University, and by the editor. Illustrated. $3.25 by mail.

Negro Tales 

By Joseph S. Cotter

Prof. Cotter, colored, is the principal of one of the largest school for Negroes in the South. Like Prof. Ashby and Mr. Adams. Prof. Cotter reveals Negro life in imaginative prose fiction,-a branch of literature to which Negro authors should give greater attention. $1.00 by mail.

The Monroe Doctrine in Its Relation to Haiti

By William A. MacCorkle

Mr. MacCorkle, white, formerly governor of West Virginia, who is one of the most distinguished lawyers in America as well as an author of distinction, in this volume pariculary studies the operation of the Monroe Dcotrine in its relation to the Republic of Haiti.  The volume has attracted widespread attention.  It is particularly timely now.  $1.00 by mail.

Life of Japan

By Masuji Miyakawa

Dr. Miyakawa, an eminent Japanese lawyer, student, and diplomat, in the volume writes intimately of the Japanese people.  He represented Japan diplomatically in this country.  Prefaces by the Prince of Nijo, Chairman in Chief Imperial House of Peers, and by Viscount Kaneko, His Japanese Majesty's Privy Councilor.  Second edition, revised and enlarged, now ready.  $1.65 by mail.

Race Adjustment

By Kelly Miller

Prof. Miller, colored, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Howard University, is easily in the first rank of Negro teachers, writers, orators, and leaders, and is so recognized on both sides of the Atlantic. This volume comprises his essays on the Negro in America that won for him fame as a man of letters when they were first published periodically.  Third edition.  $2.15 by mail.

Out of the House of Bondage

By Kelly Miller

This volume by Dean Miller contains the essays that he had written up to the time of its publication that were not included in his earlier volume, "Race Adjustment," and have been written since the earlier volume was published.  Already the sale of his new volume has been large.  $1.65 by mail.

The Ku Klux Klan

By Lester and Wilson

Prof. Walter L. Fleming, Ph.D., white, who occupies the Chair of History in the University of Louisiana, has taken the original work by J. B. Lester and D. L. Wilson, the most authoritative work on the Ku Klux Klan that has been published, edited it, added to it notes of his own, and has made of it a highly valuable work indeed.  Illustrated.  $1.65 by mail


By Clayton Adams

Mr. Adams, colored, writes of the Land of Promise in this powerful novel,-the adjective is used deliberately.  The ancient kingdom of Ethiopia has passed away, but its name still lives, not only as the proper appellation of the Negro race, but also figuratively, principally to designate the invisible kingdom of native Africans and their descendants.  $1.00 by mail.

Order through
THE NEALE PUBLISHING CO.,440 Fourth Avenue New York City or THE CRISIS, 70 Fifth Avenue New York City

253 The Crisis Advertiser

Mention The Crisis


A prominent Southern white educator in a letter to the publishers says: "Your policy of absolute fairness with regard to the Negro question, along with your sympathy for the South, make me wish to cooperate with you as far as possible." Says a prominent Western colored educator to the publishers: "I am deeply impressed with the justice of your house. I see often, and he never tires of speaking of your great work in behalf of the Negro in literature."

Race Orthodoxy in the South

By Thomas Pearce Bailey

Prof. Bailey, white, has held professorships in the Universities of California, Chicago, and Mississippi, and is now a professor in the University of the South.  He has studied the Negro and his problems in every section of the United States.  To the problems that confront the two races in America he has brought a trained mind and scientific methods.  $2.15 by mail.

The Black Man's Burden

By William H. Holtzclaw

Prof. Holtzclaw, colored, is the founder and the principal of the Utica Normal and Industrial Institute for the Training of Colored Young Men and Young Women, already one of the largest educational institutions in the South.  Introduction by the late Booker T. Washington.  Third thousand.  $1.60 by mail.

The Stranger

By J. F. J. Caldwell

Mr. Caldwell, white, has written in "The Stranger" perhaps the greatest noel of Reconstruction yet penned.  So, at least, able literary critics have said, and are saying.  There are no leopard spots on this story.  $1.50 by mail

The Voice of Mizriam 

By John Walter Paisley

Prof. Paisley, colored, for many years a professor of English Literature, has assembled in this volume his own poems.  The book deserves a place on the library shelf where Dunbar's fine poems are to be found.  $1.25 by mail.

The Key

By James S. Stemons

Mr. Stemons, colored, is the Field Secretary of the Joint Organization for Equalizing Industrial Opportunities and the League of Civic and Political Reform.  He holds this work to be what its full title implies: "The Key: or, a Tangible Solution of the Negro Problem." Undoubtedly the work is a powerful study of the Negro and his problems.  $1.00 by mail.

My Ogowe

By Robert Hamill Nassau

The Rev. Dr. Nassau, M.D., S.T.D., white, pioneer and explorer, was a resident of Africa for forty-five years, as a missionary.  A scholar of high attainments, in literature and in science for more than half a century, now, he has contributed to the best modern thought.  His many books take high rank without exception.  But "My Ogowe" is the culmination of his life as a ornithologist, an explorer, and a missionary.  The work, which is a large octavo volume, contains 708 pages besides 50 full-page illustrations.  $3.25 by mail.

Redder Blood 

By William M. Ashby

Prof. Ashby, colored, was recently graduated from Yale.  This novel, his first book, is a valuable contribution to the literature of his race.  $1.00 by mail.

Chief Characteristics of the Southern Negro

By E. H. Randle

Dr. Randle, white, formerly president of a Southern College, is well known as a student of the subject on which he writes.  $1.00 by mail.

The New Negro 

By William Pickens

Dean Pickens, colored, Dean of Morgan College, was graduated from Yale in the highest grade of his class.  There he won the Phi Beta Kappa Key and the Ten Eyck Oration.  In this book, the full title of which is "The New Negro; His Political, Civil, and Mental Status," he discusses with great force and clarity nearly all the pressing political problems that now confront his race.  $1.60 by mail.

The Seed That Was Sown in the Colony of Georgia

By Charles Spalding Wylly

Col. Wylly, white, "has written an important book," says the Knoxville Sentinel.  "The politician who is anything of a philosopher should profit by it, as should the student of history, and the lover of good literature.  No one has better understood the institution of slavery, its mission and its defects."  $1.35 by mail.

Negro Culture in West Africa

By George W. Ellis

Mr. Ellis, colored, was for eight years Secretary of the United States Legation in Liberia.  Since his return to America, he has written extensively on the Negro and his problems, and has taken a prominent place among the leaders of his race.  In many respects this latest book of his is the most important work on the Negro yet published,-the Negro in Africa.  Illustrated.  $2.15 by mail.

When the Ku Klux Klan Rode

By Eyre Damer

Mr. Damer, white, for many years a writer on the staff of an important Southern newspaper, relates briefly the history of the Ku Klux Klan and the circumstances that brought that organization into existence.  $1.00 by mail.  

Racial Adjustments in the Methodist Episcopal Church

By John H. Reed

The Rev. Dr. Reed, D.D., K.C., colored, writes authoritatively on the subject matter of his book.  Introduction by Adna B. Leonard, D.D., LL.D.  $1.60 by mail.

Order through
THE NEALE PUBLISHING CO., 440 Fourth Avenue New York City or THE CRISIS, 70 Fifth Avenue New York City 

Mention The Crisis