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44                                           THE CRISIS ADVERTISER


GOVERNOR FERGUSON of Texas, who is threatened with impeachment, began his defense by calling his accuser, Senator W.A. Johnson, a "nigger."

W. Ashbie Hawkins of the Baltimore branch of the N. A. A. C. P. has filed a brief of the segregation cases before the Supreme Court of the United States.
At Eufaula, Okla., George Martin, a white man, while drunk insulted a colored woman and struck one of her children. She called her husband, Neal Carson, who killed Martin. A mob is hunting for Carson. 
Edward Jackson of Danville, Va., who snatched a purse containing one dollar has been sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary.
The mayor of Lakeland, Fla., ha suspended the chief of police for beating a young colored man in order to make him plead guilty to a charge of gambling.
A fifth reprieve ha been given Joe Campbell the colored convict of Illinois charged with murder.
Edmund J. Murch a retired capitalist of Bangor, Maine, who used to spend his winters in Florida has been killed by George Thompson of Jacksonville, a Negro restaurant proprietor. Thompson found Murch in Thompson's home with Mrs. Thompson.

The following lynchings have taken place since our last record:
March 12, Maysville, Ky.- William sanders for alleged theft of an overcoat and defending himself against the posse.
March 19, Dyersburg, Tenn.- William Thomas, hanged by a mob for shooting an officer. He has escaped from jail and has been already shot ny a deputy sheriff.
March 28, Pelham, Ga.- Jow Nowling Killed by a mob. No reason known.


The leader of the revolt against the Turks in the city of Mecca is El Husein Ibn Ali, an Arab of Negro descent.
The British transport, Medi, was recently sunk off the Isle of Wright and 615 native South African laborers drowned.
Raiswaldi Georgia a cousin of the late Menelik of Abyssinia has been crowned king of Wallou, Goudar and Bekember which are subsidiary states in the Abyssinian empire.

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  during the summer months.
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  Write for catalog,
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Agents for THE CRISIS, Dignified work
70 Fifth Avenue, New York

                                      THE CRISIS ADVERTISER                                              45
                                        THE NEGRO PLAYERS
                              Three Plays of Negro Life and Legend
       By                                                                       Direction
RIDGELY TORRENCE                                                          ROBERT EDMOND JONES
Dr. W. E. Burghardt DuBois calls the production 
     "Epoch making."
The New York TRIBUNE says it is a "Triumph."
The New York GLOBE calls it " The most important performance of the season"
Cyril V. Briggs, dramatic critic of the AMSTERDAM NEWS, says it " Deserves the support of all."
                                 The Art of the Colored Race 
                                   Established on Broadway
It Needs YOUR Support.                                                          Music by the Clef Club
                                        NOW PLAYING AT
                                     THE GARRICK THEATER
35th St., East of Broadway                                                     NEW YORK CITY
                                   TELEPHONE GREELEY 6224