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Issued by The Neale Publishing Company, New York, N.Y. 
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The American Cavalryman, by HENRY F. DOWNING
Mr. Downing perhaps has had a more varied career than any other living Negro from the Civil War to the war between the United States and Germany. He was the first colored man to represent the United States at a city of a white government, by appointment of President Cleveland. He introduced Coleridge-Taylor to the London Public. He persuaded Liberia to open its doors to foreign capital. Merely to recount his activities in public life of the past fifty years would take a volume. But his highest renown has been won as a man of letters, and this is a romance of Liberia--a romance of a very high order, written by the only man who could have written it.  $1.50 by mail.

Haiti: Her History and Her Detractors
M. Leger, formerly represented Haiti as Minister to the United States, and later represented Haiti as a member of the Peace Conference, at the Hague. In Europe as well as in America he is regarded as one of the ablest men of his race. Two editions: one in English and one in French. Illustrated.  Each edition $3.20 by mail.

The Facts of Reconstruction   By JOHN R. LYNCH
Major Lynch, an officer of the United States Army, lived through Reconstruction, and took a lively part therein. He served as a Member of Congress, later became Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, and by far the greater part of his adult life has been passed in public service. The late Sen. Hoar in his "Autobiography" referred to Major Lynch in high terms.  Illustrated.  [[italic]] Fourth thousand. [[/italic]]  $1.65 by mail.

Redder Blood    By WILLIAM M. ASHBY
Prof. Ashby was recently graduated from Yale. This novel, his first book, is a valuable contribution to the literature of his race.  $1.00 by mail.

Ethiopia    By CLAYTON ADAMS
Mr. Adams writes of the Land of Promise in this powerful novel--the adjective is used deliberately. The ancient Kingdom of Ethiopia has passed away, but its name still lives, not only as the proper appellation of the Negro race, but also figuratively, principally to designate the invisible kingdom of native Africans and their descendants.  $1.00 by mail.

Race Adjustment    By KELLY MILLER
Prof. Miller, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Howard University, is easily in the first rank of Negro teachers, writers, orators, and leaders, and is so recognized on both sides of the Atlantic. This volume comprises his essays on the Negro in America that own for him fame as a man of letters when they were first published periodically.  [[italic]] Third edition. [[/italic]]  $2.15 by mail.

Out of the House of Bondage    By KELLY MILLER
This volume by Dean Miller contains the essays that he had written up to the time of its publication that were not included in his earlier volume, "Race Adjustment," and have been written since the earlier volume was published. Already the sale of this new volume has been large.  $1.65 by mail.

Negro Culture in West Africa    By GEORGE W. ELLIS
Mr. Ellis was for eight years Secretary of the United States Legation in Liberia. Since his return to America, he has written extensively on the Negro and his problems, and has taken a prominent place among the leaders of his race. In many respects this latest book of his is the most important work on the Negro yet published,--the Negro in Africa.  Illustrated.  $2.15 by mail.

Racial Adjustments in the Methodist Episcopal Church 
The Rev. Dr. Reed, D.D., K.C., writes authoritatively on the subject matter of his book. Introduction by Adna B. Leonard, D.D., LL.D.  $1.60 by mail.

The Black Man's Burden    By WILLIAM H. HOLTZCLAW
Prof. Holtzclaw is the founder and the principal of the Utica Normal and Industrial Institute for the Training of Colored Young Men and Young Women, already one of the largest educational institutions in the South. Introduction by the late Booker T. Washington.  [[italic]] Third thousand. [[/italic]]  $1.00 by mail.

Negro Tales    By JOSEPH S. COTTER
Prof. Cotter is the principal of one of the largest schools for Negroes in the South. Like Prof. Ashby and Mr. Adams, Prof. Cotter reveals Negro life in imaginative prose fiction,--a branch of literature to which Negro authors should give greater attention.  $1.00 by mail.

The Voice of Mizriam    By JOHN WALTER PAISLEY
Prof. Paisley, for many years a professor of English Literature, has assembled in this volume his own poems. The book deserves a place on the library shelf where Dunbar's fine poems are to be found.  $1.25 by mail.

Dean Pickens, Dean of Morgan College, was graduated from Yale in the highest grade of his class. There he won the Phi Beta Kappa Key and the Yen Eyck Oration. In this book, the full title which is "The New Negro; His Political, Civil, and Mental Status," he discusses with great force and clarity nearly all the pressing problems that now confront his race.  $1.60 by mail.

Mr. Stemons is the Field Secretary of the Joint Organization for Equalizing Industrial Opportunities and the League of Civic and Political Reform. He holds this work to be what its full title implies: "The Key; or, a Tangible Solution of the Negro Problem." Undoubtedly the work is a powerful study of the Negro and his problems.  $1.00 by mail.

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[[Bold]] Do You Want to Read a Live, Red-blooded Story with a Regular Punch in It? Then, do not fail to get "FROM SUPERMAN TO MAN" [[/Bold]] by J.A. Rogers.
  The most striking vindication of the Negro ever penned. Brilliant arguments by an invincible array of the world's greatest thinkers--Shakespeare, Schopenhauer, Darwin, Huxley, Finot. Anti-Negro harangue-outangs overwhelmed with ridicule. The case against the Negro laughed out of court. All in an easy, breezy style you'll enjoy.
  Prof. George B. Foster, University of Chicago: "A string story, faithful to truth and helpful to a better understanding and feeling."
  W. N. C. Carlton, Esq., Librarian, Newberry Library, Chicago (in a letter to the author): "I shall place your book in the permanent collection of the Library where present day and future students of the history of your race will find it a most significant document."
  The Brooklyn Daily Eagle: [[Bold]] "From Superman to Man [[/Bold]] is a vindication of the American Negro."
  Attorney Charles Scrutchin, Bemidji, Minnesota: "A thoughtful, courageous book."
  Hon. George W. Ellis, K.C., F.R.G.S. (eight years Secretary of the U.S. Legation to Liberia, author of "Negro Culture in West Africa," etc.): [[Bold]] "From Superman to Man [[/Bold]] by J.A. Rogers is a significant contribution to interracial literature in more ways than one. Its breadth of scholastic research, its selection and concentration of matter are as amazing as its wealth of information. The book is well written and the skillful management of materials shows not only education of thoraces and the promotion of social concord and co-operation this volume should be in every library and home of the country. In his absorbing story we see the souls of the white and darker worlds groping and struggling toward the better day of peace and good understanding between the races."
  We are trying to get the truth before the people and ask your support. Copies of this fearless book have been sent to over one hundred leading thinkers; also to the leading anti-Negro authors and politicians. Please order today.
  [[Bold]] $1.00 (cloth bound)   By Mail $1.10 [[/Bold]]

$18 to $45. [[/Bold]] per week made selling PROF. KELLY MILLER'S new PROGRESS OF COLORED PEOPLE. Teachers, students, male or female, ministers, widows, married women, anyone with spare time, can make $1 per hour. A 500-page book. Everybody buys, it's easy to sell. Write for terms and outfit at once; act today.
AUSTIN JENKINS CO., 523 Ninth St.  

[[Bold]] Atlanta University
[[Italic]] Studies of the Negro Problems [[/Italic]]
19 Monographs    Sold Separately

The Curse of Race Prejudice [[/Bold]]
By James F. Morton, Jr., A.M.
  An aggressive exposure by an Anglo-Saxon champion of equal rights. Startling facts and crushing arguments. Fascinating reading. A necessity for clear understanding and up-to-date propaganda. Belongs in the library of every friend of social justice. Price 25 cents. Send order to
211 West 138th Street  |  New York, N.Y.

[[Bold]] $25.00 PER WEEK [[/Bold]]
may be made in commissions by parties handling "History of the Negro Soldiers in Spanish-American War" combined with "History of the Negro Race." 400 pages, 50 illustrations. Price $1.25 net.
Address: E.A. JOHNSON
154 Nassau Street   NEW YORK

[[Bold]] The Journal of Negro History [[/Bold]]
Published Quarterly 
100 Pages
[[Italic]] Edited by [[/italic]] CARTER G. WOODSON
THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY is the official organ of the [[italic]] Association for the Study of Negro Life an History, [[/italic]] which is now trying not to promote an isolated research into the history of the black race but to show how civilization has been influenced by contact with the people of color. This publication aims to popularize the movement to save and make available the scattered historical materials bearing on the Negro. In it appear scholarly articles and valuable documents giving information generally unknown. It is concerned with facts, not with opinions. 
Subscription price, $1.00 per year. Foreign subscriptions, 25 cents extra. Single numbers, 25 cents; 30 cents by mail.
  Checks should be made payable to THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY and addressed to
1216 You St., N.W.  Washington, D.C.

[[Bold]] LADIES WANTED [[/Bold]]
  Smart, ambitious, hustling women to enter business. Clear $15.00 to $25.00 per week. Easy--pleasant. I will show you how. Dr. Bell, 4709 State St., Chicago, Ill.

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