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Transcription: [00:02:19]
{SPEAKER name="Brooks B. Robinson"}

--of Afro-American Studies, Professor Sarah Fabio.

{SPEAKER name="Brooks B. Robinson"}

At the time of our interview, Mrs. Danner was experiencing visual difficulties. Professor Fabio reads her works.

{SPEAKER name="Brooks B. Robinson"}

I'm your host, Brooks Robinson.

{SPEAKER name="Brooks B. Robinson"}

Professor Fabio, you might start by introducing our audience to Mrs. Danner
through some of her works and asking her some of the major questions you have in mind.

{SPEAKER name="Sarah Fabio"}
Alright, I know that 1966 was probably a big year for you Margaret
and that is the year that I met you.
We were both in Africa for The First World Festival of Negro Arts at Dakar, Senegal
and I heard Margaret there reading some of her poetry with its African imagery and African themes
and I can say that she was very much appreciated by the international audience.
What kinds of things did 1966 bring to you, Margaret?

{SPEAKER name="Margaret Danner"}
1966 was a kind of rebirth in that in Africa I found so many of my friends on their native soil.
I walked down one street and there would be Langston Hughes, and there was Sinclair Drake,
and there was Sarah Fabio and many, many others and we were all at home in Africa,
and I feel that it regenerated the spark in us and that we have come a much faster, higher pace
because of the Senegal, um

{SPEAKER name="Sarah Fabio"}
Right, right[[affirmative]]. I know that you, of your involvement with 'Boone House' in Detroit
not only had you worked as a poet for many years in Chicago, but I know that you worked in Detroit and also as far away as the LeMoyne College environment, in Memphis.
Maybe you wanna tell us about the kind of dues paying the poet has to pay, outside of just writing?

{SPEAKER name="Margaret Danner"}
Mm,hmm [[affirmative]] Well, it is a paying of dues, except that to me,

Transcription Notes:
Boone House info: