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Transcription: [00:06:28]
{Speaker name= "Dennis Brutus" }
For the corpses of Soweto and swear an oath for Soweto
Their deaths will not be forgotten
Their lives will purchase our freedom

{Speaker name= "Brooks B. Robinson"}
Beautiful very beautiful.

{Speaker name= "Dennis Brutus"}
Thank you. Should I go on?

{Speaker name= "Brooks B. Robinson"}
Sure, go right ahead.

{Speaker name= "Dennis Brutus"}
Around about the same time I wrote one as a tribute for Steve Biko. In fact I have written a number dealing with him and around his life. And this is a short one which talks about Soweto after the 1976.

In the dark lanes of Soweto
Amid the slush
the mud
the squalor

And among the rusting tin sheets of the shacks
The lust for freedom stubbornly survives
Like a smoldering defiant flame
And the spirit of Steve Biko moves easily

{Speaker name= "Dennis Brutus"}
Another beautiful one.

{Speaker name= "Brooks B. Robinson"}
Thank you.

{Speaker name= "Dennis Brutus"}
Now, your form, your style, who influenced you, were there any influencers at all?

{Speaker name= "Brooks B. Robinson"}
Yea, that's a long story, I think. I come out of the fairly traditional English mainstream in terms of my experience to poetry as a student and as a university student, missionary college Fort Hare where we--