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Transcription: [00:02:14]
{SPEAKER name="Brooks B. Robinson"}
--when Gustavus Vassa published his book,

there's no strong or supported account Africans having written

any fiction, nonfiction, or what could be considered prose or prosaic literature.

Now, from the beginning–until 1790–African civilizations and cultures did flourish

and stories and novels, fiction, prose, whatever,

all of these were developed, but only in oral form.

Thus the term "oral literature".

Now the essence of oral literature was presented early in the series

by Professor Daniel Kunene and so I won't delve into that here,

but the major point I'm trying to make is that

it was not until 1790, with Gustavus Vassa, that

the real, first written African literature appeared as

prose, prosaic, or fiction, or nonfiction literature's concern.

And I have to emphasize here that we're discussing African English literature,

for before Gustavus Vassa's time, of course,

there was French and other European languages used to write literature,

and Arabic was used as well.

Now, the first real African novelist appeared in South Africa in 1873.

Thomas Mofolo, he was born in 1873,

coming out of, or indigenous to Basutoland,

which is a portion of South Africa, what is known today as South Africa.

Mofolo's first novel appeared in English in 1920.

under the title "Moeti oa bochabela"

meaning "The Pilgrim of the East", sometimes translated "The Wanderer to the East".

And one sees in that novel a boy

[00:04:04] who sets off to seek the quote-unquote "unknown creator".

But, on another level, and this is true of much of African literature,

in that you find more than one meaning, sometimes two

sometimes three, even more meanings in the literature.

Mofolo's "Moeti oa bochabela" can be seen as a fable,

and I'm indicating a--