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made requiring report.
I am very respectfully
Your obt servt.

Brig. Gen & Asst Com.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery. Al.
August 3rd, 1865

Major General O.O.Howard,

I reply to a communication from the War Dept, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands, bearing date June 24th, and requesting report of number of teachers of Refugees &c now unemployed and needed in Alabama, I have the honor to submit the following:
Upon my arrival in this Department, I found the educational interests of Refugees & Freedmen for certain sections of the State already cared for under the superintendence of the North Western Freedmens Aid Society at Chicago.
Professor Lilsby its authorized agent has a desk in this office and is persistent in his labors.
Numerous schools presenting a very large attendance are already in operation. The system however, is as yet in its infancy and I am unable to submit proper estimates of the number of teachers employed or needed in the State.
Early attention shall be given to this interest, and as soon as estimates can be obtained, the Bureau shall be apprised of our necessities

I have the honor to be 


Very respectfully, 
Your obt servt

Brig. Gen. &
Asst Comsr.

Office aAssistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Al
August 4th. 1865

Major General O.O. Howard,
I have the honor to request that the following described abandoned lands be set apart in pursuance of the Act of Congress for the use of Freedmen.
The premises Known as the Brevard plantation, in Montgomery County, Alabama, containing twelve hundred, twenty five (1225) acres more or less.
The South West quarter of the North West quarter of Section twenty-two, township fifteen, range sixteen. East half of the North West quarter of section twenty-two, township fifteen, range sixteen. South West quarter of section nine, township fifteen, range sixteen; East half of North West quarter of Section fifteen township fifteen range sixteen; also twenty acres joining said place lying on west side of it the lines running as followed: commencing at a black jack at the North West corner of East half of North West quarter, section fifteen, township fifteen. range sixteen, running west twenty six poles to a stake thence South one hundred sixty poles to a stake thence East twenty six poles to a stake thence to beginning; also part of the West half of South West quarter of section ten, township fifteen, range sixteen, lines as follows commencing at a