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black jack at South-West corner of the East quarter of South-West quarter of Section ten, township Fifteen, range sixteen, running west fifty four poles to a stake thence North one hundred & sixty poles to a black jack, thence East fifty-four poles to a stake, thence South to the beginning containing fifty four acres. East [strikethrough]] quarter of section four [[/strikethrough]] half of North East quarter of the South-East quarter of Section four and West half of North-East quarter, East half of North - West quarter Section nine:  and East half of North-East quarter of Section nine:  also a strip or parcel of land being on the East part of North-West quarter of Section four the said strip of land being one hundred & forty yards deep or wide containing twenty-five acres more or less; beginning at the lower or southern half mile state of last mentioned quarter Section and running North the length of said quarter, all in Township fifteen, Range sixteen. The South-West quarter of Section fifteen West half of South-East quarter of Section fifteen and North-West quarter of Section twenty-two, all in township Fifteen, range sixteen, containing in all Twelve Hundred & twenty five acres more or less. 

I am credibly informed that the plantation above described was abandoned about two months ago to the negroes who had been living on it.  They were left wholly without care, protection or support, or the presence of any white person.  We took charge of it as abandoned a short time [[strikethrough]] again [[/strikethrough]] since. 

R.A. Brevard, in whom the title rests, is a South Carolinian, and if now living, resides in that State.

I am, General,
Very respectfully,
Your obt servt
Brig Gen & Asst. Comsr. 


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
August 7th 1865

Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard,


I have the honor to request that the following named officers be detailed for duty at these Headquarters.

Major Charles A. Miller 2d Maine Cavalry
2d Lieut Oakman F. Glidden 2d Maine Cavalry    
1st Lieut James F. McGogy 50th U.S. Cold Infty

These officers are already on duty here.

The Headquarters of the 2d Me Cavalry are at Barrancas, Florida, and of the 50th U.S. Cold Inftry, at Jackson, Miss.

I am, General
Very respectfully,
Your obt servt,

Brig. Gen. and Asst Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees Freedman and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala
August 8th 1865

Bvt Brig Gen E.D. Townsend
Asst Adjt Genl USA


I have the honor to request that the "Montgomery Daily Mail" a newspaper published in this city be added to the "list of newspapers authorized  by the Secretary of War to publish advertisements for all the Bureaus of the War Department"

I am not advised that the Sec'y of War has given this authority to any newspaper in Alabama, and the designation of the above journal would