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Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
August 24th 1865

Capt W. A. Poillon
Asst Supt Freedmen's Bureau


By order of the General Commanding Chaplain Buckley Asst Supt at this Post has designated a Justice of the Peace whose office is in the immediate neighborhood of this Headquarters whose duty it shall be to hear the complaint of colored persons and issue such process for the immediate arrest of the guilty parties as may be deemed advisable. Frequent complaints of injuries and outrages perpetrated upon this class of persons are received at W Buckleys office, and as it is important that justice in such cases should not be delayed, and equally important that a judicial officer of integrity & of sympathy with the cause should investigate the alledged facts, it is deemed advisable that Asst Supts at once make arrangements with a Justice of the Peace to whom these matters can be referred.

You will therefore as soon as practicable designate some justice whom you are assured will attend to these matters in good faith and with an honest purpose, thereby relieving you of the necessity of investigating each of the numerous cases likely to arise in your district. You will also report to this office the name of the officer thus designated.

Very respectfully.
Your obt servt,
Major A.A.A.G.


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
August 26th 1865

Capt W. A. Poillon
Asst Supt.


I am in receipt of a communication of 18th inst from Col Harmount, referring to Colored Schools in Mobile, and have given the matter some consideration.

I wish you at once to see Dr. Nott and express to him my regret that prior to my arrival any arrangement should have been entered into by any parties touching a matter properly under the supervision of this Bureau, which has not been fulfilled by the party making it, even though not an agent of the Bureau. You will see that Dr. Nott at once has free access to the building for the purpose of preserving the articles in it of scientific value and making any repairs he shall see fit to order. For the purpose of putting the Education of Colored Children in as important a City as Mobile on a secure and permanent basis; I am willing to use all the means that I can spare; to rent the Medical College on equitable terms. I observe from Dr Nott's application that before the Explosion the cost of repairs was estimated at $ 2.000, and that Dr Nott was willing for that sum to rent the building for two years. Equivalent to $ 1.000 a year. The cost of repairs is now estimated at $ 3.000. I am willing to pay Dr Nott $ 2.000 for the use of the building for two years on condition the building be at once put in repair by him, or to take it for three years and expend $ 3.000 myself in repairing it. You will please show him this letter and solicit from him an expression of his views.
I am, Captain
Very respectfully,