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Your obt servt

Brig.Gen & Asst Comer

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands.
Montgomery, Ala.
August 26th 1865

Maj: F.H. Wilson.
Asst. Adjt. Gen.
I have the honor to request that the following named persons be detailed for service in this Bureau:
Lieut Cyrus O. Sturgeon  Co "I" 14th Wis. Vol. Inf'ty
Corpl. W.F. Hutchinson   Co "I" 14th Wis. Vol. Inf'ty
Corpl. Ezra S. King      Co "B" 14th Wis. Vol. Inf'ty  
Private Henry C. Warner  Co "B" 14th Wis. Vol. Inf'ty
Private Charles H. Ferris Co "F" 14th Wis. Vol. Inf'ty     
Private Thomas Stewart   Co "F" 14th Wis. Vol. Inf'ty
Private Ansel B. Wood    Co "H" 8th Iowa  Vol. Inf'ty
Private Ira I. Plummer   Co "K"  8th Iowa Vol. Inf'ty
Private John C. Kendrick Co "F"  8th Iowa Vol. Inf'ty
Private D.W. Lash        Co "F" 8th Iowa Vol. Inft'y

I have the honor to be 
Very respectfully
Your obt servt

Brig. Gen. & 
Asst Com


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
August 26th, 1865

Maj. F.H. Wilson,
Asst Adjt Gen.
I have the honor to request that there be turned over to the Quartermaster of this Bureau the following named property which I am advised is at Mobile, and though not new is in a serviceable condition:
Two Hundred (200) Shovels 
Two Hundred (200) Wheelbarrows
One Hundred (100) Picks
Fifty (50) Carts
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully
Your obt servt,
Brig. Gen. & Asst Comr

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
August 29th, 1865

Bvt Maj. Gen. Kenner Garrard
Comdg District of Mobile, 
I have this moment received a copy of your General Order No 6 referring to the affairs of this Bureau.

Permit me to thank you for this most kind and efficient co-operation and to express the hope that you will command me if at any time I can repay you in any manner.

Transcription Notes:
replaced ditto marks with text, as per SI directions