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Your obt servt. 

Brig. Gen &
Asst Comsr

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery. Ala
Sept 8th, 1865

Capt J.B. Comstock
A.A.G. Dist of Montgomery

Captain :
I have the honor to request that a supply of rations and forage for ten (10) days may be sent to Capt H.W. Stuart Comdg Co "E" 6th Ill Cavy at Troy, Pike Co. Ala. The business on which he is sent will require him to remain longer than was at first supposed. His company numbers about forty (40) men and animals.

Very respectfully,
Your obt servt

Brig Gen & Asst Comsr.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala
Sept 8th 1865

Capt Andrew Geddes
Asst Supt
Tuskegee, Ala.

Captain :
The attention of the Asst Comsr has been directed to a sett of Ordinances emanating from the Intendant and


Council of your place. The Mayor & Council of Tuskegee not having accepted jurisdiction over Freedmen in accordance with Gen Orders No 7 from this office and the Governor's Circular letter of Aug 18th 1865, have no right to adjudicate cases which may arise under those resolutions. The General has no objection to the Freedmen being set to work when they are vagrants, but he will not permit them to be placed on "half rations"

He wishes you to observe the operations of the Intendant and Council under these Ordinances and see that no injustice is done the Freedmen

Very Respectfully
Your obt servt

Bvt Col & A.A.G.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala
Sept 9th 1865

[[left margin]] Letter of Sept 9th to Judicial Officers of this State - see page 66. [[/left margin]]

Capt J.B. Comstock
A.A.G. Dist of Montgomery,

Captain :
I have the honor to request that Chaplain R.P. Cilley 2d Vet. New York Cavy be assigned to duty in this Bureau and ordered to report to me by letter. His Comdg Officer has expressed his willingness

Very respectfully
Your obt servt

Brig. Gen & Asst Coms'r