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should be referred to the Asst Supt at Montgomery. Refer all cases from those localities to the office at this place. The Circular letter from the Secty of the Treasury of date June 27, 1865 directs in Par 5th that all abandoned or confiscable property in the possession or under the control of the office of the Treasury Dept together with all books, papers and money arising therefrom will be turned over to the authorized Agent of the Freedmens Bureau demanding the same. Under this order Maj Nott should turn over to you all lands, houses, tenements or moneys arising from the same, taking therefor your receipts.

Maj Nott has no right to dispossess Freedmen of their Government tenements. That right rests in you only as Agent of this Bureau. He should at once transfer any of this kind of property to you and relinquish all control of it. The Dept at Washington has been notified of his action.

Please cause to be made at once lists of all such property giving a full description of it and forward the same to this office.

Very respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
Bvt Col & A.A.G.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala
Sept 16th 1865

Maj Gen O.O. Howard
Com'sr &c. 
Washington D.C.

Sir :
I have the honor to acknowledge the  receipt of the boxes per Adams Express con


1550 blank land reports
1550 blank reports Asst Comsr.

Very respectfully,
Your obt servt,
Brig. Gen. & Asst Com'sr.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands 
Montgomery, Ala
Sept 16th 1865

Judge L. McC. Wiley
Troy. Pike Co. Ala.

Sir :
Your communication of the 13th inst is at hand.

I will direct Capt Stewart to deliver Winslow into your charge to be held by you, as a Military prisoner until such time as the witnesses can be sent out to you. Then he may be held by you to appear before the civil court. While being held as a military prisoner he must not be admitted to bail. If you do not agree to this I shall direct the Captain to bring him into this place.

Very respectfully,
Your obt servt.
Brig. Gen. & Asst Com'sr.