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Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala
Sept 19th 1865

Col Geo. D. Robinson
Supt Mobile, Ala

I am directed by Gen. Swayne to call your attention to the exceedingly large number of white persons to whom rations are issued at Mobile. Your telegram of this morning states three thousand and twenty three (3023). This number certainly can be reduced without producing actual suffering. I enclose you a form of certificate which it was intended should be given by the Aldermen to persons who in their judgement needed assistance. It has however not been used but the officer who gives the orders for rations first satisfies himself by statement under oath or otherwise that the condition of the applicant is as stated in the enclosed form. He has succeeded in reducing the number materially here. Please take such measures as may suggest themselves to you, tending to this end.

Very respectfully,
Your obt servt,

Bvt Col & A.A.G.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
Sept 19th 1865

Judge I. McCaleb Wiley
Troy, Pike Co, Ala 
Gen. Swayne directs me to say to you that you may release Winslow on bail to appear at the next term of Court, taking a bond sufficiently heavy to ensure his appearance.
I am,
Very respectfully,
Your obt. servt,
Bvt Col. & A.A.G.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala
Sept 19th 1865

Maj. Gen. Chas. R. Woods,
Comdr Dept of Alabama,
Mobile, Alabama

I have the honor to enclose herewith for your information a copy of a communication from Captain W. A. Kobbe commanding the Post of Greenville, relative to the certain alleged attempts at the exportation of freedmen to be sold as slaves.

This is from a source and locality independent [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] of that which from which were received the intimations recently conveyed to you and denotes an increased probability that the atrocities referred to have an actual existence and considerable range.

I am obliged by the promptness with which troops have been sent on a mission of inquiry.
Very respectfully,
Your obt srvt,
Brig. Gen. & Asst Commsr.

Transcription Notes:
General Swayne unsure of indentation rules, pretty sure indentation is not required