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your will make written application to the Military Commandant to be put in possession, sending with your application a copy of Genl Howard's order, and asking for a detail, under Genl Orders to 102 (C.S.) sufficient to keep in possession. Should it be refused return the application, with its endorsement, to this office without further endorsement on your part. You will also transmit a copy of Gen Howard's order to the United States Treasury Agent with a reference to the Act of Congress, and mentioning that Genl Howard has made the assignment under direction of the President as required by the Statute.
Very Respectfully

Brig Gen & Asst Coms'r
State of Alabama

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Oct 14th 1865

Hon. W.T. Otto
Acty Secty of the Interior
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of these copies of the Preliminary report of the Eight Census, for which please accept my thanks.

Very Respectfully,
Your obt servt.

Brig Gen & Asst Coms'r


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Oct 14th 1865

Maj. Gen. C.R. Woods
Comdg. Dept Alabama
Mobile, Ala.

I have the honor to request that Maj A.D. Pierce 6th Ills Cavy be assigned to duty in this Bureau and ordered to report to me by letter. He is now in Choctaw Co and has signified his willingness to accept the position of Superintendent of the Demopolis District.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt

Brig Gen & Asst Coms'r

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Oct 17th 1865

Capt Andrew Geddes
Asst Supt Freedmen &c
Tuskegee, Ala,

The General thinks of assigning you to the Selma District. He wishes you to leave your office in charge of a good clerk and come down here at once. See if you can find a Lieutenant from your regiment who will do to take your place. 
Do your know of an officer who will make a good Aide de Camp for the General
Very Respectfully


Transcription Notes:
Cavy - Maybe short for Cavalry? Yes