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he paid the laborers about $6000 which Clark now states that he advanced, on the 3rd of this month. Assuming the transaction to be correct I do not think that Gen Fisk has any right to dispose of property of the Bureau located outside of his jurisdiction. The order of transfer was issued on the 6th day of October and the above sale made on the 3rd of November. I shall retain possession of all property in that District unless orders to the contrary are received from you. I am willing that Mr Clark should be remunerated from  the proceeds of the cotton for money advanced by him.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt.

Bvt Maj Gen &
Asst Coms'r.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Dec 1st 1865

Mr E.C. Branch
Superintendant &c
Mobile Ala.

Dear Sir :
I am in receipt of your communication of the 25th ult. this morning - and in reply I have to say
Rations will be cheerfully furnished to the inmates of any asylum such as you propose. I trust you will set it on foot at once and hope to be able to help you a little in other ways. 
Quartermaster's supplies can only be had on requisitions approved by Gen Howard. Such requisitions made by Col Robinson will be approved and forwarded from this office. Meanwhile, probably Col Robinson can borrow what you want. 


I was pleased with the Convention and shall welcome the paper. It is an enterprise outside the proper scope of this Bureau, but I shall send Prof Silsby a contribution from my private packet. 
Gen DeBussy has full control of all persons who are or claim to be U.S. Soldiers. I am sure he will do all that any one can to suppress the evils of which you complain on proper presentation. 
Your Obt Servt

Bvt Maj Gen &
Asst Comms'r.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Decr 1st 1865

[[left margin]] Letter to Adjt Genl U.S.A. of Decr 1st see page 119 [[/left margin]]

Capt A.C. Haptonstall
Asst Supt Demopolis, Ala

I am instructed by Gen Swayne to direct you to furnish every assistance in your power to Dr C. Miller Act Asst Surg in charge of Freedmen's Hospital, to enable him to place the Hospital in good condition and also to furnish him with good quarters, fuel &c
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
