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Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Dec 4th 1865

Maj Gen. C.R. Woods,
Comdr. Dept of Alabama

I have the honor to request that the colored troops now in garrison at Claiborne Ala, may be withdrawn as it is apprehended by the citizens that they may create trouble among the Freedmen at Christmas. 
It is requested by the citizens also that the white troops now there may be re-inforced if compatible with the interests of the service. 
Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Servt

Bvt Maj Gen & 
Asst Coms'r. 

Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala, Decr 5th 1865

Chaplain S.S. Gardner
Supt Freedmen
Selma. Ala

Your communication of the 2d inst is received.
Nothing has been heard from the application to Gen Woods for the detail of the men of the 12th Iowa.
If you can find one or two good clerks you are authorized to employ them if their services are necessary. 
I will advise you in a 


few days in regard to the retention of the bricks you ask for.
In cases where Employers withhold wages from their hands, notify them not to move the crop or more than one half of it until the settlement is made and if there is any further difficulty send a good man out to make the division. Enquire fully into the case before action.
Another plan would be to send the parties to a Magistrate with instructions to sue their employer for violation of contract. You can adopt whichever way you think best suited to each case.
Send any information you may have on the subject of Kidnapping.
In the case of the order from the Mayor, you can use your authority to prevent an indiscriminate and malicious execution of the order.
I enclose the order for transportation you ask for.
Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Servt


Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands 
Montgomery. Ala, Decr 5th 1865

Col R.V. Montague 
Collector &c. Mobile, Ala

Your communication of 2d inst is received. I recommend the sale of the Briar-field Iron Works as a whole. It certainly will bring much more in that way than by selling the machinery to one and the building

Transcription Notes:
Made a complete word at end of page per transcription guidelines