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Your communication of the 8th inst is received.
This is the third letter I have written to you within the last two days answering your former communications.
In regard to the sick, a Surgeon has been ordered to report to you who will take charge of them. The destitute you can issue rations to. Clothing is now on the way here from Cincinnati and when it reaches here you shall be furnished. Please forward an estimate for what you need.
It is to be regretted that affairs are in such condition at your place but humanity requires that they should be rectified, and the General wishes that you would endeavor to do this. Every assistance possible will be rendered you from this office.
I will endeavor to come to Talladega next week or week after. I shall forward this letter and an answer to your communication of the 6th by Dr Johnston and not trust it to the chances of the Mail.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Decr 15th 1865

S. S. Gardner
Supt &c
Selma, Ala

Your com'n [[communication]] of the 13th inst is received.


1st  Contracts may be made in any form that does justice to the Freedman. It is not essential that it should be in the printed form.

2d  If medical attendance is to be supplied whenever the laborer requests it arrangements may be made for the laborer to pay for it.

3d  The employer may make an arrangement with his hands by which cost of maintainance of the 
non-producers of his family may be deducted from their pay.

Very Respectfully,
You Obt Servt,


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala, Dec 15th 1865

Robt Christian Esqr
Uniontown. Ala

You are hereby authorized to collect and retain the per capita tax on contracts as compensation for your services. I enclose your copies of orders from this office.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Decr 15th 1865

S.S. Gardner
Supr &c
